Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Widening Bandwidth for Good

In a discussion with certain hi-tech executives, we reached a general thought for what has changed and what needs to be changed in the United States. Math and science are two major courses that the US students have fallen behind and are out of top 20 among the ranked countries. People tend to agree that innovation usually comes from scientific disciplines and creative thinking processes.

It is my belief that disciplines begin with a good habit and a good habit comes from continual practices, and a sustained practice is owing to a motive, curiosity, and a learning attitude. Our practice can be a prayer with the faith in God that restores our brilliance.

I was moved when I participated in a learning conference where Simon Bailey, a motivational speaker (http://www.simontbailey.com/), made a three-hour speech in early February. I learned that the important assets are time, energy, and faithful mind, and importantly, high-impact habits decide our future for brilliance. Additionally, I'd sustain my curiosity so I can ask good questions, seek right answers, wonder how things work, and try fresh approaches to old problems. And I'd be attached to learning habits that expand my knowledge and empower my multi-dimensional views. Therefore, wisdom and glory will come when the bandwidth through focused practices is widened.

I am the Lord your God ..... Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10)

Written on February 15, 2011

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